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What happens with the Gatt Characteristic after it has been read?

I am using an android device with Android 5.1 (Bluetooth 4.0) and a MCU Board which has Bluetooth 4.2.

On my MCU side i am updating my Gatt Characteristic in a Loop just to make sure, that i know if the data i am writing inside is consistent. before i am writing it inside the gatt database i am using a crc check.

on my android side i just have a thread which reads the characteristic out of that gatt database and directly after that i have the same crc but it seems like 50% of the values are corrupt (which doesn't make sense from my side). i know that the data i am writing in my gatt database is correct so i guess the issue is with reading the characteristic several times in a thread.

i've already tried to read the characteristic via notifications on my android side but the bluetoothleservice is never jumping into the OnCharacteristicChanged callback.

my characteristic update Looks like this


and the characteristic is filtered by the uuid before

for(int i = 0; i<Services.size(); i++){
                Characteristics = Services.get(i).getCharacteristics();
                for(int c=0;c < Characteristics.size();c++){
                    UUID myUUID = Characteristics.get(c).getUuid();
                        characteristic = Characteristics.get(c);
                        descriptor = characteristic.getDescriptor(UUID.fromString("00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"));
                        Log.i("BLE", "Characteristic " + myUUID.toString() + " found");

so do i Need to do anything Special to re-read the gattcharacteristic?


  • Did you follow the procedures at in order to enable notifications?

    When you issue readCharacteristic, you are not allowed to issue a new readCharacteristic until you have got the onCharacteristicRead. Or actually you are not allowed to send ANY new request (readCharacteristic, writeCharacteristic, readDescriptor, writeDescriptor) until a previous request has completed. This is because there may only be one outstanding GATT request at a time and there is no internal queue.