I have an sqlserver, say serverA, and a windows machine, say machineA.
I have a testrun.bat file in machineA that I need to run after a certain process is finished in serverA.
I have learned that I can use PSExec to issue a terminal command from serverA to machineA.
I'm just wondering if I can do this using Microsoft Telnet service? Because I am not sure if PSExec wiil be allowed to be installed in serverA because of certain security concerns.
Basically, I'm just looking for plan B in case I cannot use PSExec. Another way I realized that I can use is Microsoft telnet but I am not sure how or if it is even possible.
Additional details:
Just use native wmic
wmic /user:<username> /password:<password> /node:<machine> process call create "cmd /c c:\somewhere\myBatchFile.cmd"
Remember that
As the process is created in the remote machine, the batch file must exist on it and the path has to reflect the location in the remote machine
The process is started under the indicated user, probably in a separate session. You will probably not see the batch file running, check the processes list
If the path to the batch file include spaces, you will need to quote it as
wmic ... call create "cmd /c \"c:\some where\My Batch.cmd\""