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Resteasy: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/servlet/ServletContext

I have Resteasy servlet and listener configured in web.xml


<!-- Auto scan REST service -->

<!-- this should be the same URL pattern as the servlet-mapping property -->



When I trying to deploy EAR on JBoss-as-web-7.0.0.Final I get error:

org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.server.servlet.ResteasyBootstrap: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/servlet/ServletContext

My EAR contains war and EJB jar inside, if it have a meaning.


  • 1) you need to servlet api dependency in your project as below:



    add javax.servlet-3.0.jar file in your classpath.

    2) Go to <JBOSS-HOME>/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml

    Find the element <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:ee:1.0" />

    and replace it by

    <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:ee:1.0">
           <module name="javaee.api" slot="main"/> 

    3) Go to JBoss\jboss-eap-6.1\modules\system\layers\base\javax\servlet\api\main

    include JAR jboss-servlet-api_3.0_spec-1.0.2.Final-redhat-1.jar

    I recommend you to use Jboss AS 7.1.1.Final version only instead of 7.0.0 Final.