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Order of empty string in string conversion by concatenating empty string

There are several ways to perform a String conversion in Java and some people (including myself) prefers to concatenate an empty string to do the conversion:


char ch = 'A';
String str = "" + ch;   //gets character value and append to str

However the order of the empty String is always a mystery to me. The following will successfully perform a String conversion:

str = ch + "";    
str = ch + "" + ch;  

but not the following:

str = ch + ch + "";    //if (ch + "") gives us "A", shouldn't this be "65A"?

Que: To be safe, we can always place the empty String infront, but I want to know how Java interprets the concatenation when the (empty) string is placed in other locations (such as in between or at the back).


  • The + operator is left-associative, which means that it is grouped from left-to-right.

    str = ch + ch + "";

    This is equivalent to

    str = (ch + ch) + "";
     // = ('A' + 'A') + "";
     // = 130 + "";
     // = "130";


    str = ch + (ch + "");
     // = 'A' + ('A' + "");
     // = 'A' + "A";
     // = "AA";

    char + String and String + char both result in a String. But char + char returns an int. Do you see now why a second + ch doesn't work?