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Custom struct interacted with as if it were an int?

I'm trying to create a structure that can be interacted with as if it were an int. However, when I try to assign a value to it, it throws the following error upon compiling:

Invalid conversion from `int` to `int32*`

Why does it throw that error, even though I made it's = operator to handle setting an int32 to a const int value?

Here's the source code for my best attempt at int32:

struct int32
  int32_t val;

  int32(int val=0)
    : val(val)

  int32& operator=(const int value) // ex. int32 *i = 42;
    return *this;
  int32 operator+(const int32& value) const
    return int32(value.val+val);
  int32 operator-(const int32& value) const
    return int32(value.val-val);
  int32 operator*(const int32& value) const
    return int32(value.val*val);
  int32 operator/(const int32& value) const
    return int32(value.val/val);
  int32 operator%(const int32& value) const
    return int32(value.val%val);
  bool operator==(const int32& value) const
    return (val == value.val);
  bool operator!=(const int32& value) const
    return (val != value.val);

Also, please don't just recommend I use int32_t; I'm making my own struct for a reason (otherwise I'd have just used int32_t to begin with ;)


  • Judging by your comments, you're doing this:

    int32 *i = 42;

    You're trying to assign the value 42 to a pointer, which won't work here. Drop the * and call your constructor instead:

    int32 i(42);

    If you need a pointer to that object, you can then simply take its address:

    int32 my_int32(42);
    int32 *i = &my_int32;

    If you have a pointer to an existing int32 object, and want to assign a new value to the object, you can dereference the pointer:

    int32 *i = ...;
    *i = 42;