I would like to include the row number of the sorted and filtered dataset in Smart Table as a separate column.
As long as I do not use paging I can simply use the $index propery of angular's ng-repeat but this does not work where paging is enabled since $index starts on 0 for each page.
Anyone have any ideas on how to accomplish this?
I found a way to do this:
$scope.page_size = 100
$scope.current_page = 1
$scope.rembemberCurrentPage = function(p) {
$scope.current_page = p
<div st-pagination
3. Row number can then be accessed on the form
td ng-bind="((current_page-1)*page_size)+$index+1"></td>
I figured it out through this post: https://github.com/lorenzofox3/Smart-Table/issues/438