I have a very simple project and I am trying to publish the first version to hex. However I cannot run the hex.publish task.
I get the error ** (Mix) The task "hex.publish" could not be found.
I am following these hex instructions.
My mix.exs
file looks like the following.
defmodule Ace.Mixfile do
use Mix.Project
def project do
[app: :ace,
version: "0.2.0",
elixir: "~> 1.0",
build_embedded: Mix.env == :prod,
start_permanent: Mix.env == :prod,
deps: deps]
def application do
applications: [:logger],
mod: {Ace, []}
defp deps do
You might not have hex
installed. According to hex usage, please use
mix local.hex
in your terminal or CMD console.
Then mix hex.publish
should work.