I have a mainForm with a DBGrid and I have a second form with a CheckListBox that shows all of the DBGrid columns for the user to choose. I need to reference in Form2 the DBGrid that I have in MainForm. I would like this second form to handle all of the procedures connected to the dbdgrid columns , so that I can reuse it easily. That was the idea, but I dod'nt find the way to pass the DBGrid reference. Is it possible ?
Answering the question you asked, on your Form2, define a property
FGrid : TDBGrid
property Grid : TDBGrid read FGrid write FGrid;
Then, after you've created an instance of TForm2, just do
Form2.Grid := MainForm.DBGrid1;
Then, on Form2, you can do anything valid you like to change Grid
and the changes will be made to MainForm.DBGrid1.