I want to run an XSLT transformation from the command line, using the Saxon processor that comes bundled with the Oxygen XML editor. I tried the following, but got the error message "Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute". I realize that I need to create and then invoke a manifest file, but I'm not sure how to do this.
C:\>java -jar "C:\Program Files\Oxygen XML
Editor 18\frameworks\docbook\xsl\extensions\saxon65.jar" -s:"C:\test.xml"
-o:"C:\output.xhtml" -xsl:"C:\test.xslt"
Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from
C:\Program Files\Oxygen XML Editor
! I doubt you need a manifest if you take the correct jar.
Take the JARs from S:\Program Files\Oxygen XML Developer 17\lib
(similiar path at your system).
Documentation for Saxon 6.5.5 command line:
java -jar dir/saxon.jar [options] source-document stylesheet [ params…]
While in Folder lib
of Oxygen via command line:
java -jar saxon.jar -o C:\output.xml C:\input.xml C:\stylesheet.xsl
Documentation for Saxon 9.6 command line: