i have a data structure that i want to fill with cmd args
params = {
"blockX": "{\"nameX\":["\Arg1\","\Arg2\",\"Arg3\"........"\ArgX\"]}",
Then i run a post request with the params as data:
r = requests.post("https://url", data=params)
I only know how to do it with one element
"BlockX": "{\"nameX\": \"%s\"}" %ArgX,
Your example suggest you want to join
the arguments. You can convert any list into a single string by merging with a separator:
args = ['foo', 'bar', 'hold the mustard']
print('", "'.join(args))
So to get your list '"Arg1", "Arg2"'
etc, join them with the '", "' separator and insert that into your template:
'{"nameX": ["%s"]}' % '", "'.join(args)
Note how '
allows you to skip escaping each "
. In your example, this would look like:
params = {
"blockX": '{"nameX": ["%s"]}' % '", "'.join(args),
# ...
Please keep in mind that you are putting a string representation of a JSON into a JSON! This is... perhaps not the right thing to do. A proper API would expect just a single JSON, in which case you can dump args
params = {
"blockX": {
"nameX": args
# ...