I have a style that doesn't seem to be working. In spite of Snoop telling me the DataContext
for the ListBoxItem
is correct, nothing shows up. If it was a problem with the binding for Commands
I would expect to see an empty context menu appear.
The style:
<ContextMenu x:Key="CommandsContextMenu" ItemsSource="{Binding Commands}">
<Style TargetType="MenuItem">
<Setter Property="Header" Value="{Binding Name}"/>
<Style TargetType="ListBoxItem">
<Setter Property="ContextMenu" Value="{StaticResource CommandsContextMenu}" />
<DataTrigger Value="True">
<Binding Path="DataContext.HasCommands" />
The snoop DataContext:
The snoop properties showing the ContextMenu property isn't even set.
The idea here, was that without knowing any of the types, I could have a listbox item style where if the thing it was bound to has a property called HasCommands, and it was set to true, then it would set a context menu on that listbox item, bound to the Commands property.
I'm not getting any binding errors or warnings from PresentationTraceSources.DataBindingSource
Why doesn't the context menu get set?
So it turns out, that the problem was using something that inherited from ListBox
for reference here's my defined class:
// adapted from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3350187/wpf-c-rearrange-items-in-listbox-via-drag-and-drop
// which was probably adapted from http://wpftutorial.net/DragAndDrop.html
type DragDropListBox() as self =
inherit ListBox()
which from there only hooks the following
and in the intialization it overwrites the ItemContainerStyle as follows:
So it turns out, that the problem was using something that inherited from ListBox
for reference here's the top of my class:
// adapted from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3350187/wpf-c-rearrange-items-in-listbox-via-drag-and-drop
// which was probably adapted from http://wpftutorial.net/DragAndDrop.html
type DragDropListBox() as self =
inherit ListBox()
which from there only hooks the following
and in the intialization it overwrites the ItemContainerStyle as follows:
self.PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp.Add listBoxPreviewMouseLeftButtonUp
//self.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown.Add listBoxPreviewMouseMove //.AddHandler (MouseButtonEventHandler previewMouseMove)
self.PreviewMouseMove.Add listBoxPreviewMouseMove
let style =
let s = Style(typeof<ListBoxItem>)
s.Setters.Add (Setter(ListBoxItem.AllowDropProperty, true))
s.Setters.Add (EventSetter(ListBoxItem.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDownEvent, MouseButtonEventHandler listBoxPreviewMouseLeftButtonDown))
s.Setters.Add (EventSetter(ListBoxItem.DropEvent, DragEventHandler listBoxItemDrop))
self.ItemContainerStyle <- style
now I've got to figure out if you can add two styles together.