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Aptana crashes on Mac OS Sierra

Aptana studio used to work fine on OS X El Capitan but after updating to Sierra it doesn't work anymore... Can anybody help me fix this? I keep getting a crash log every time screenshot uploaded I open the app. Something I've noticed is that the aptana icon in the applications is a folder and not just a normal app icon. Earlier as I remember it was just a normal app icon on El Capitan. I use aptana on a daily basis as a university student so its vital for me for this to work.

Edit: I have tried a lot of methods including reinstalling java but still it doesn't work. Only way to make it work is to open up the application package and open the terminal executable aptana3. It runs perfectly then but if I launch from the usual app drawer icon it crashes.


  • This security measure can correct it from System Preferences -> Security and Privacy -> General tab.

    By default, Sierra, the option “Allow applications downloaded from does not appear Anywhere “. But with a simple instruction from the command line so we can correct.

    1. Go to the folder Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal

    2. In Terminal, enter or copy…

    sudo spctl --master-disable

    1. Type your password (it will not appear, however it is present) and press Enter

    Click the lock and enter your Administrator password to make changes.

    After changing this option, and can install any software, so if compatible with OS 10.12.