I have published one android app on Feb 4,2015 which was developed in TITANIUM
...app was directly published from the location where it was generated and i remember it dint ask about any keystore file or any release version apk.
Now I have redeveloped the same app on PHONEGAP
and titanium is now shifted to appcelerator so i can't run that app on titanium platform and the problem is i am not getting that keystore file.
I have to keep its bundle id same as previous version so that existing users get proper update but for that I require the same keystore file.
Can anyone help on this issue?
If you require any other information then let me know.
See this response and this. Usually by default, the debug keystore is stored at $HOME/.android/debug.keystore when developing on Android studio. Hope it helps. Also i would advise you to sign your apps with your own release key.