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How to Calculate Two Tables Totalsum Value in Angularjs?

I am using MEAN stack in my application with AngularJS as my front-end. How to total sum two values in angularjs , actually we have two tables, first table is filtered with filter:{raised: 'false'} and second table is filtered with filter:{raised: 'true'} and we got the total sum values for both table in commision then I'M expecting to calculate commision totalsum values like A + B as a 45 + 19 answer = 64...My Plunker.

  • We have two table so I want to calculate first table commision total sum value and second table commision totalsum value.

  • the both tables are filtered with ng-module value for example :- first table is filtered with filter:{raised: 'false'} and second table is filtered with filter:{raised: 'true'}

  • Expectation exmaple:- fisrt table commision is 45, and second table commision is 19 , we need to calculate these to value in third table like A + B answer should be 64.

  • I have given the plunker as reference plunker please any one knows the solution help us.

My controller:- Commision totalsum filter:-

    .filter('totalSumCV', function () {
   return function (data, key1, key2) {        
       if (angular.isUndefined(data) && angular.isUndefined(key1)  && angular.isUndefined(key2)) 
           return 0;

       var sum = 0;
           sum = sum + (parseFloat(v[key1]) * parseFloat(v[key2])/100);
       return sum.toFixed(2);

My Html:-

<tr ng-repeat="mani in resultValue=(sryarndebitnote |  filter:{raised: 'false'} )">

    <td>A = {{resultValue | totalSumCV:'invoice_value_fob':'percentage_commission'}}</td>


  <tr ng-repeat="mani in resultValue=(sryarndebitnote |  filter:{raised: 'true'} )">

    <td>B = {{resultValue | totalSumCV:'invoice_value_fob':'percentage_commission'}}</td>


I have tried to calculate both table commision totalsum value like :-

<td >C = {{((resultValue | totalSumCV:'invoice_value_fob':'percentage_commission') * 1) + ((resultValue | totalSumCV:'invoice_value_fob':'percentage_commission')*1)}}</td>


  • You should take different variables for the result set to achieve this,

    Here is your required answer,

    var app = angular.module('plunker', []);
    app.filter('sumOfValue', function () {
        return function (data, key) {
            if (angular.isUndefined(data) && angular.isUndefined(key))
                return 0;        
            var sum = 0;
                sum = sum + parseFloat(v[key]);
            return sum.toFixed(2);
    }).filter('totalSumCV', function () {
       return function (data, key1, key2) {        
           if (angular.isUndefined(data) && angular.isUndefined(key1)  && angular.isUndefined(key2)) 
               return 0;
           var sum = 0;
               sum = sum + (parseFloat(v[key1]) * parseFloat(v[key2])/100);
           return sum.toFixed(2);
    }).controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
      $scope.sryarndebitnote = [
    "_id": "57ecb2861365a8150a34c660",
    "user": {
    "_id": "57400c32bd07906c1308e2cf",
    "displayName": "mani selvam"
    "__v": 0,
    "created": "2016-09-29T06:19:50.046Z",
    "shipment_id": "57dc0ad6a752016f1638c6bc",
    "raised": false,
    "conversion_rate": "62",
    "percentage_tds": "10",
    "percentage_servicetax": "15",
    "percentage_commission": "3",
    "invoice_value_fob": "300",
    "invoice_value_cif": "50",
    "invoice_quantity": "40",
    "supplier_name": "asd",
    "buyer_name": "Rohit"
    "_id": "57ecb2861365a8150a34c660",
    "user": {
    "_id": "57400c32bd07906c1308e2cf",
    "displayName": "mani selvam"
    "__v": 0,
    "created": "2016-09-29T06:19:50.046Z",
    "shipment_id": "57dc0ad6a752016f1638c6bc",
    "raised": false,
    "conversion_rate": "62",
    "percentage_tds": "10",
    "percentage_servicetax": "15",
    "percentage_commission": "6",
    "invoice_value_fob": "600",
    "invoice_value_cif": "50",
    "invoice_quantity": "40",
    "supplier_name": "asd",
    "buyer_name": "Rohit"
    "_id": "57ecb2861365a8150a34c660",
    "user": {
    "_id": "57400c32bd07906c1308e2cf",
    "displayName": "mani selvam"
    "__v": 0,
    "created": "2016-09-29T06:19:50.046Z",
    "shipment_id": "57dc0ad6a752016f1638c6bc",
    "raised": true,
    "conversion_rate": "62",
    "percentage_tds": "10",
    "percentage_servicetax": "15",
    "percentage_commission": "4",
    "invoice_value_fob": "400",
    "invoice_value_cif": "50",
    "invoice_quantity": "40",
    "supplier_name": "asd",
    "buyer_name": "Rohit"
    "_id": "57ecb2861365a8150a34c660",
    "user": {
    "_id": "57400c32bd07906c1308e2cf",
    "displayName": "mani selvam"
    "__v": 0,
    "created": "2016-09-29T06:19:50.046Z",
    "shipment_id": "57dc0ad6a752016f1638c6bc",
    "raised": true,
    "conversion_rate": "62",
    "percentage_tds": "10",
    "percentage_servicetax": "15",
    "percentage_commission": "3",
    "invoice_value_fob": "100",
    "invoice_value_cif": "50",
    "invoice_quantity": "40",
    "supplier_name": "asd",
    "buyer_name": "Rohit"
    /* Put your css in here */
    body {
        font-size: 14px;
    table, td, th
        border:1px solid black;
        padding: 2px;
      color: green!important;
      content: "\f00c";
      color: red!important;
      content: "\f00d";
      color: green!important;
      content: "\f00c";
      color: red!important;
      content: "\f00d";
          margin-top: 20px;
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html ng-app="plunker">
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <title>AngularJS Plunker</title>
        <script>document.write('<base href="' + document.location + '" />');</script>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
        <script data-require="angular.js@1.4.x" src="" data-semver="1.4.9"></script>
        <script src="app.js"></script>
      <body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
        <table ng-table="tableParams"  class="table table-bordered ">
                <th rowspan="2"> S.No </th>
                <th rowspan="2"> fob </th>
                <th rowspan="2"> Commision </th>
                <th rowspan="2">Quantity</th>
           <tr ng-repeat="mani in resultValue=(sryarndebitnote |  filter:{raised: 'false'} )"> 
              <td >{{$index + 1}}</td>
                <td >{{mani.invoice_value_fob}}</td>
                  <td >{{(mani.invoice_value_fob * (mani.percentage_commission / 100)) | number:2}}</td>
                     <td >{{mani.invoice_quantity}}</td>
                     <td>{{resultValue | sumOfValue:'invoice_value_fob'}}</td>
                     <td>A = {{resultValue | totalSumCV:'invoice_value_fob':'percentage_commission'}}</td>
        <table ng-table="tableParams"  class="margin table table-bordered ">
                <th rowspan="2"> S.No </th>
                <th rowspan="2"> fob </th>
                <th rowspan="2"> Commision </th>
                <th rowspan="2">Quantity</th>
          <tr ng-repeat="mani in resultValue2=(sryarndebitnote | filter:{raised: 'true'})"> 
            <td >{{$index + 1}}</td>
               <td >{{mani.invoice_value_fob}}</td>
                 <td >{{(mani.invoice_value_fob * (mani.percentage_commission / 100)) | number:2}}</td>
                    <td >{{mani.invoice_quantity}}</td>
                     <td>{{resultValue2 | sumOfValue:'invoice_value_fob'}}</td>
                     <td>B = {{resultValue2 | totalSumCV:'invoice_value_fob':'percentage_commission'}}</td>
        <table ng-table="tableParams"  class="margin table table-bordered ">
              <th rowspan="2"> S.No </th>
                <th rowspan="2"> A + B </th>
                <td >{{resultValue2 | totalSumCV:'invoice_value_fob':'percentage_commission'}}</td>
                    <td >C = {{((resultValue | totalSumCV:'invoice_value_fob':'percentage_commission') * 1) + ((resultValue2 | totalSumCV:'invoice_value_fob':'percentage_commission')*1)}}</td>

    Pls run the code.

    Here is the plunker