I am starting Apache Drill (ver:-1.8) in Ubuntu OS in Embedded Mode, but its showing error:-
No known driver to handle "jdbc:drill:zk=local"
I am following same procedure as given in Drill Official Site- Drill Doc
I have install java 7 in my system but still my drill is not started. Can anyone tell me how to start drill in ubuntu os.?
As per the docs mentioned by you,
To start the Drill shell in embedded mode, use the drill-embedded command. Internally, the command uses a jdbc connection string and identifies the local node as the ZooKeeper node. Complete the following steps to start the Drill shell:
Navigate to the Drill installation directory (information provided ibn comment).
cd /media/ejeeva/B014055E14052944/apache-drill-1.8.0
Issue the following command to start the Drill shell: