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Accessing an array at a variable index

I am brand new to MIPS and am attempting to write the Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm as described on Wikipedia to find all prime numbers from 1 to 1000. I am just following the steps outlined in 1-4, and not yet any of the refinements described.

Here is my code so far:

array:  .word   1:1000            # array[1000] = {1}   (assume all are prime initially)
length: .word   1000    
        .globl  main
main:   addi    $t0, $zero, 1       # $t0 = 1       (counter)
        la      $s0, length    # $s0 = &length
        lw      $s0, 0($s0)     # $s0 = length
        la      $t1, array         # $t1 = &array[0]
        lw      $t2, 0($t1)     # $t2 = array[0]
        addi    $t2, $t2, -1        # $t2 = 0
        sw      $t2, 0($t1)     # array[0] = $t2 = 0    (1 is not prime)
loop1:  beq     $t0, $s0, ToDo      # if counter == length...
        addi    $t0, $t0, 1     # counter++
        addi    $t1, $t1, 4     # $t1 = &array[counter]
        lw      $t2, 0($t1)     # $t2 = array[counter]
        beq     $t2, 0, loop1      # if $t2 is marked as not prime, move to next element
        addi    $t3, $zero, 1       # $t3 = 1       (multiplier)
        addi    $t4, $t0, 0     # $t4 = counter     (p)
loop2:  addi    $t3, $t3, 1     # multiplier++
        mul     $t4, $t4, $t3    # $t4 = $t4 * multiplier (2p, 3p, 4p...)
        bgt     $t4, $s0, loop1   # if $t4 >= length, go to outer loop
        la      $t5, $t4($t1)


I know that my last line is not valid. I am attempting to access the array at each index of 2p, 3p, 4p, etc. and set their values to 0 (not prime). How can I do this some other way? How can I access the array at a different index at each iteration of the loop?


Here is my final solution upon reviewing Craig's answer below: (apologies for the poor indenting - it doesn't copy well from my editor)

    .word   1:1000          # array of 1000 '1's - 1 = prime, 0 = not prime

    .word   1000            # length of array

    .word   0:200           # array of size 200 to store primes 

    .globl main

main:   addi    $s0, $zero, 0       # counter = 0
    la  $s1, length     # s1 = &length
    lw  $s1, 0($s1)     # s1 = length

    la  $t0, array      # t0 = &array[0]
    sw  $zero, 0($t0)       # array[0] = 0 -> '1' is not prime

    beq $s0, $s1, gatherPrimes  # if counter == length
    addi    $s0, $s0, 1     # counter++
    addi    $t0, $t0, 4     # t0 = &array[counter]
    lw  $t1, 0($t0)     # t1 = array[counter]
    beq $t1, $zero, outerLoop   # if array[counter] is already not prime, continue
    addi    $t2, $s0, 1     # t2 = counter + 1
    addi    $t3, $t2, 0     # t3 = t2

    add $t3, $t3, $t2       # t3 = t3 + t2
    bgt     $t3, $s1, outerLoop # if t3 > length, break
    addi    $t4, $t3, -1        # t4 = t3 - 1
    la  $t5, array      # t5 = &array[0]
    sll $t6, $t4, 2     # t6 = t4 * 4 (offset)
    add $t5, $t5, $t6       # t5 = &array[t3]
    sw  $zero, 0($t5)       # array[t3] = 0 -> not prime
    j   innerLoop

    addi    $s0, $zero, 0       # counter = 0
    addi    $s2, $zero, 0       # primeCounter = 0
    la  $t0, array      # t0 = &array[0]
    la  $t2, primeArray     # t2 = &primeArray[0]

    beq $s0, $s1, exit      # if counter == length, exit
    lw  $t1, 0($t0)     # t1 = array[counter]
    addi    $s0, $s0, 1     # counter++
    addi    $t0, $t0, 4     # t0 = &array[counter]  
    beq $t1, $zero, loop    # if array[i] is not prime, break
    sw  $s0, 0($t2)     # primeArray[primeCounter] = counter
    addi    $s2, $s2, 1     # primeCounter++
    addi    $t2, $t2, 4     # t2 = &primeArray[primeCounter]
    j   loop



  • At first, I couldn't make sense of your program relative to the wiki linked algorithm.

    In step (3) of the wiki, it indexes the array by multiples of p, marking each element as non-prime. loop1 didn't do that.

    It seems loop1 was doing step (4) and then loop2 would be doing step (3). This is actually okay to do in reverse order.

    I created two programs starting from yours. I tried to remain faithful, but had to refactor a fair bit. One that adheres to the order of steps in the wiki. And, a second one that reverses the order.

    To simplify things, I maintained an "end-of-array" pointer rather than a count. And, used a .byte array instead of a .word to simplify the indexing as the array is only used as a boolean vector [for larger arrays, with some extra code, it could be converted to a bit vector].

    Here's the wiki version:

    array:      .byte       1:1000
    # array[1000] = {1}   (assume all are prime initially)
    msg_nl:     .asciiz     "\n"
        .globl  main
    # registers:
    #   s0 -- address of array
    #   s1 -- address of end of array
    #   t0 -- value of array[current]
    #   t1 -- pointer to current array value being tested
    #   t2 -- current "p" value
        la      $s0,array               # get &array[0]
        la      $s1,earray              # get pointer to end of array
        sb      $zero,0($s0)            # 0 is not prime
        sb      $zero,1($s0)            # 1 is not prime
        li      $t2,2                   # p = 2
        move    $t1,$s0                 # get &array[0]
        addu    $t1,$t1,$t2             # get &array[2]
        addu    $t1,$t1,$t2             # get &array[4]
        j       mark_start
        # mark 2p, 3p, ... as not prime
        sb      $zero,0($t1)            # mark as not prime
        addu    $t1,$t1,$t2             # advance to next cell
        blt     $t1,$s1,mark_loop       # done with this p? if no, loop
        # find next higher prime than p
        addu    $t1,$s0,$t2             # get &array[p]
        addiu   $t1,$t1,1               # get &array[p + 1]
        j       find_start
        lb      $t0,0($t1)              # is current number [still] prime?
        bnez    $t0,find_match          # yes, fly
        addiu   $t1,$t1,1               # no, advance to next cell
        blt     $t1,$s1,find_loop       # over edge? if no, loop
        j       print_all               # yes, sieve complete
        # found new p value -- set up to restart marking loop
        sub     $t2,$t1,$s0             # get the new p value
        addu    $t1,$t1,$t2             # get &array[2p]
        j       mark_start              # restart the marking loop
        # print all the primes
        move    $t1,$s0                 # get array start
        li      $t2,0                   # get p value
        bge     $t1,$s1,main_exit       # over edge? if yes, exit program
        lb      $t0,0($t1)              # is current value prime?
        bnez    $t0,print_match         # if yes, fly
        addi    $t1,$t1,1               # advance to next array element
        addiu   $t2,$t2,1               # increment p
        j       print_loop
        li      $v0,1
        move    $a0,$t2
        li      $v0,4
        la      $a0,msg_nl
        j       print_next
        li      $v0,10

    Here's the one that reverses the steps:

    array:      .byte       1:1000
    # array[1000] = {1}   (assume all are prime initially)
    msg_nl:     .asciiz     "\n"
        .globl  main
    # registers:
    #   s0 -- address of array
    #   s1 -- address of end of array
    #   t0 -- value of array[current]
    #   t1 -- pointer to current array value being tested
    #   t2 -- current "p" value
        la      $s0,array               # get &array[0]
        la      $s1,earray              # get pointer to end of array
        sb      $zero,0($s0)            # 0 is not prime
        sb      $zero,1($s0)            # 1 is not prime
        li      $t2,1                   # p = 1
        # find next higher prime than p
        move    $t1,$s0                 # get &array[0]
        addu    $t1,$s0,$t2             # get &array[p]
        addiu   $t1,$t1,1               # get &array[p + 1]
        j       find_start
        lb      $t0,0($t1)              # is current number [still] prime?
        bnez    $t0,find_match          # yes, fly
        addiu   $t1,$t1,1               # no, advance to next cell
        blt     $t1,$s1,find_loop       # over edge? if no, loop
        j       print_all               # yes, sieve complete
        # found new p value -- set up to restart marking loop
        sub     $t2,$t1,$s0             # get the new p value
        addu    $t1,$t1,$t2             # get &array[2p]
        j       mark_start              # restart the marking loop
        # mark 2p, 3p, ... as not prime
        sb      $zero,0($t1)            # mark as not prime
        addu    $t1,$t1,$t2             # advance to next cell (2p, 3p, 4p, ...)
        blt     $t1,$s1,mark_loop       # done with this p? if no, loop
        j       find_begin
        # print all the primes
        move    $t1,$s0                 # get array start
        li      $t2,0                   # get p value
        bge     $t1,$s1,main_exit       # over edge? if yes, exit program
        lb      $t0,0($t1)              # is current value prime?
        bnez    $t0,print_match         # if yes, fly
        addi    $t1,$t1,1               # advance to next array element
        addiu   $t2,$t2,1               # increment p
        j       print_loop
        li      $v0,1
        move    $a0,$t2
        li      $v0,4
        la      $a0,msg_nl
        j       print_next
        li      $v0,10