I've studied the example here: http://learningwebgl.com/lessons/lesson01/index.html
The matrix library in use is: http://glmatrix.net/
So the example is in clip space and I understand that. I would like to set up an orthographic projection using this example as my base. The Orthographic projection should have it's center at 0,0,0 with an eye location somewhere at +Z and looking down on 0,0,0. When I enter coordinates for my 3d faces in the buffers I would like to be able to enter those coordinates in model space units. Example for my mapping exhibit I have an area of 10,000 cubics x -5000 to +5000 y -5000 to +5000 and z -5000 to +5000 that is to be projected onto the canvas which is 500 x 500. So my 3d faces will have coordinates someplace within those 10,000 cubics and the 500 x 500 canvas will display all 10,000 cubics.
This is the same projection that a CAD program would use to start a scratch drawing. Does anyone know how to do this in WebGL with the glMatrix library? I am new to WebGL and I really could use some guidance on this topic.
For sake of simplicity you first should separate the camera transform matrix from it's projection matrix. You can then multiply them to get the "view-projection matrix" which transform world-space coordinates to screen-space.
var cam = mat4.create();
var proj = mat4.create();
Start placing your camera (cam matrix)
mat4.translate( cam, cam, position )
mat4.rotate( ... )
mat4.lookAt( .. )
Setup othographic projection (proj matrix). You can see the ortho projection like a box aligned with the camera, you can expand each sides with the six parameters. Everything inside the box will show on screen.
var ratio = screenWidth/screenHeight;
var halfWorldWidth = 5000.0;
// the near/far will depend on your camera position
mat4.ortho( proj,
-halfWorldWidth / ratio,
halfWorldWidth /ratio,
Finally get the view-projection
var view = mat4.create()
var viewProj = mat4.create()
mat4.invert( view, cam );
mat4.multiply( viewProj, proj, view );