Can someone please explain to me why I keep getting this PLS-00905 error for the below simple procedure? Thank you.
create or replace procedure copy_table(
table_name IN varchar2,
database_link IN varchar2,
suffix IN varchar2,
table_owner IN varchar2)
execute immediate 'create table ' || table_name || '_' || suffix ||
' as select * from ' || table_owner || '.' || table_name || '@' || database_link ;
SQL> execute myschema.copy_table;
BEGIN myschema.copy_table; END;
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-06550: line 1, column 15:
PLS-00905: object myschema.copy_table is invalid
ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored
Get rid of the trailing slash - that's for SQLPlus command termination