I am trying to make an irc bot. It connects but doesn't send the complete message. If I want to send "hello world" it only sends "hello". It just sends everything until the first space.
In this program if you type hello in irc, the bot is supposed to send hello world. But it only sends hello.
import socket
channel = "#bots"
server = "chat.freenode.org"
nickname = "my_bot"
class IRC:
irc = socket.socket()
def __init__(self):
self.irc = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
def send(self, chan, msg):
self.irc.send("PRIVMSG " + chan + " " + msg + "\n")
def connect(self, server, channel, botnick):
# defines the socket
print("connecting to: " + server)
self.irc.connect((server, 6667)) # connects to the server
self.irc.send("NICK %s\n" % botnick)
self.irc.send("USER %s %s Ibot :%s\n" % (botnick, botnick, botnick))
self.irc.send("JOIN %s\n" % channel)
self.irc.send("PRIVMSG %s :Hello Master\n" % channel)
def get_text(self):
text = self.irc.recv(2040) # receive the text
if text.find('PING') != -1:
self.irc.send('PONG ' + text.split()[1] + 'rn')
return text
irc = IRC()
irc.connect(server, channel, nickname)
while True:
text = irc.get_text().strip()
if "hello" in text.lower():
irc.send(channel, "hello world")
print text
You forgot a : before the message. This should work:
def send(self, chan, msg):
self.irc.send("PRIVMSG " + chan + " :" + msg + "\n")