Has anyone tried to use all of these features together? I can combine only any 2 of them together, but cant figure out how to use all 3, and i definitely need it. I want free cropping to be done from admin(to choose which part of image will be displayed in result), get it watermarked and use some thumbnail alias to resize/compress it via easy thumbnails.
It should be something like this:
{% cropped_thumbnail Event.photo.pure_events_list.url|watermark:"General watermark" "cropping_free" %}
is thumbnail alias for easy thumbnails
|watermark:"General watermark"
is filter to get image watermarked by url and return new url of watermarked image
Thanks in advance for any help!
Check this module for easy_thumbnails.. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-easy-thumbnails-watermark/0.6.2 P.S. If you're using python 3 need to adapt few lines in the module