I would like to set the format of a cell based on another value: In my example if value1 = "percent", value2 will appear like 10%. If value1 = "two", value2 will appear line 10.00, and so on...
<dxg:FormatCondition Expression="[value1] = 'percent'" FieldName="value2">
<dxg:Format />
Is there any kind of mask in or setting the value of the cell (using Eval or similar) for achieving this?
Thanks guys...
EDITED: Maybe could be set here...
<TextBlock Name="value2_name" Text="{Binding Data.value2}"/>
Finally I got it.
The idea could be handle all from server-side.
-- XAML --
<dxg:GridColumn FieldName="Limit" AllowEditing="True" Width="80">
<Border Background="#FFFF99">
<dxe:SpinEdit Name="PART_Editor" IsEnabled="{Binding Data.IsEnabledLimit}" Mask="{Binding Data.MaskLimit}" MaskType="Numeric" MaskUseAsDisplayFormat="True"/>
public string MaskLimit
if (Designation == Constant.HEADER_RF)
return "###.##%";
return "###.######";
Hoping it helps...