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How to disable all but one button in a JPanel and enable them one after the other

I created a JPanel with 11 buttons (all in an array). Now I set actionListeners on those buttons, but I want only one button to be enabled initially, then after the actionListener on it is completed, the next button is enabled. Here is my code!

public class Beginner extends JPanel {

    static JButton quest;
    Random rand = new Random();

    int n = 10;

    static List <Point> points = new ArrayList<Point> ();

    Quest1 q1;
    Quest2 q2;
    Quest3 q3;
    Quest4 q4;
    Quest5 q5;
    Quest6 q6;
    Quest7 q7;
    Quest8 q8;
    Quest9 q9;
    Quest10 q10;
    Quest11 q11;

    public Beginner() {

        int radius = 200;
        Point center = new Point (250, 250);

        double angle = Math.toRadians(360 / n);      
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            double theta = i * angle;

            int dx = (int) (radius * Math.sin(theta));    
            int dy = (int) (radius * Math.cos(theta));
            Point p = new Point (center.x + dx , center.y + dy);
        draw (points);

    public void draw (List<Point> points) {
        JPanel panels = new JPanel();
        SpringLayout spring = new SpringLayout();
        int count = 1;
        for (Point point: points) {
            quest = new JButton("Question " + count);
            Font fonte = new Font("Script MT Bold", Font.PLAIN, 20);
            add (quest);
            spring.putConstraint(SpringLayout.WEST, quest, point.x, SpringLayout.WEST, panels );

            spring.putConstraint(SpringLayout.NORTH, quest, point.y, SpringLayout.NORTH, panels );
            //I want to disable all but one button at this point

            quest.addActionListener (new ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent p) {
                    if (point.equals(points.get(0))) {
                        q1 = new Quest1();
                        //then, enable the next after this is completed
                    else if (point.equals(points.get(1))) {
                        q2 = new Quest2();
                        //same comment in Quest1 follows....and so on!
                    else if (point.equals(points.get(2))) {
                        q3 = new Quest3();
                    else if (point.equals(points.get(3))) {
                        q4 =  new Quest4();
                    else if (point.equals(points.get(4))) {
                        q5 = new Quest5();
                    else if (point.equals(points.get(5))) {
                        q6 = new Quest6();
                    else if (point.equals(points.get(6))) {
                        q7 = new Quest7();
                    else if (point.equals(points.get(7))) {
                        q8 = new Quest8();
                    else if (point.equals(points.get(8))) {
                        q9 = new Quest9 () ;
                    else if (point.equals(points.get(9))) {
                        q10 = new Quest10() ;
                    else if (point.equals(points.get(10))) {
                        q11 =  new Quest11 ();


  • If you want to sequentially enablebuttons I would use at least two fields, an ArrayList<JButton> filled with your buttons, and an int buttonListIndex int index field to tell the program which button is active. You can enable and disable buttons via setEnabled(true). In the ActionListener, increment the index int and use a for loop to loop through all the buttons, disabling all except the one that corresponds to the index. I'll leave the code implementation for this up to you.