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SQL Server - Cyclic Cascade Path

Lets say I have two tables - User and Post

I introduced a customized Join table Vote to have a many-to-many relationship between User and Post.

The tables have following structure:

  • User (UseId, Name)
  • Post (PostId, UserId, Content)
  • Vote(Id, UserId, PostId, Value)


  • The emphasized columns of each table is a PK.
  • The UserId in Post is a FK to User table.
  • The UserId and PostId columns in Vote table are FK to the respective tables.
  • Other columns like Value, Content, Name, etc. are varchar.

Considering the above design is appropriate (if not, suggestions are welcomed :) .....

What I want is:

  1. If a row in Post Table is deleted, the related row in Vote should also be deleted.
  2. If a row in User Table is deleted, the related row in Vote should also be deleted.
  3. If a row in User Table is deleted, the related row's UserId column in Post should be set to NULL.

Can I achieve such kind of relationships, without any Cyclic-Redundancy? If yes, How?


Check out this awesome answer if you too have faced multiple cascade paths:


  • You are looking for cascading foreign key relationships. For the first two:

    alter table vote
        add constraint fk_vote_user
            foreign key (userid) references user(userid) on delete cascade;
    alter table vote
        add constraint fk_vote_post
            foreign key (postid) references post(postid) on delete cascade;

    For the third:

    alter table post
        add constraint fk_post_user
            foreign key (userid) references user(userid) on delete set null;

    These are explained in the documentation.