I read the following question (and I would solve it the same way as the given answer): Passing derived type as argument to abstract class
But why is it not able to find the value
attribute from the derived class? even if I add a type cast it is not possible:
public abstract class baseClass
public abstract float function<T>(T a, T b) where T:baseClass;
public class derived: baseClass
public override float function<derived>(derived a, derived b)
// Here value is not found
return a.value + b.value;
public float value;
Example with type cast is also not working (and the advice redundant type cast is shown):
public abstract class baseClass
public abstract float function<T>(T a, T b) where T:baseClass;
public class derived: baseClass
public override float function<derived>(derived a, derived b)
// Here value is not found even with type cast
return ((derived)a).value + ((derived)b).value;
public float value;
Because you're declaring the generic type parameter on the method. The compiler doesn't understand that this should be of the derived
type. All it knows it that you've introduced a new generic type parameter.
What you want is called F-bound polymorphism, where the type parameter is of the implementing class, defined recursively:
public abstract class BaseClass<T> where T : BaseClass<T>
public abstract float Function(T a, T b);
public class Derived : BaseClass<Derived>
public override float Function(Derived a, Derived b)
return a.Value + b.Value;
public float Value { get; set; }