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Has the notion of 'semidet' in Prolog been settled?

Being new to Prolog, I came across a very interesting discussion that happened in late 2012. What I noticed was that there were, at the time, two notions of 'semidet' in Prolog community, namely:

  1. A computation that succeeds at most once.
  2. A computation that, upon success, leaves no choice points open.

Clearly the second one implies the first, but not vice versa.

Reading the thread, I understood that the first one was Dr.Neumerkel's notion, and the second was Drs.Wielemaker, O'Keefe, and others'.

Googling around, I've seen some database researchers mean by 'semi-deterministic' a query that would answer at most one equivalence class, nearer to the first notion.

Dr. Neumerkel says (refering to the predicate called call_semidet there):

The implementation might be improved, but prior to optimizing and bechnmarking the actual meaning needs to be settled.

So, has the meaning been settled?

How about 'det'?

It seems customary to classify predicates according to their number of solutions. According to the SWI-Prolog's definition (see below), a 'det' can do fully nondeterministic (say parallel) computations, provided it commits to a solution which is now guaranteed to exist. So, by analogy I guess there may be two notions of 'det':

  1. A computation which succeeds exactly once.
  2. A computation which succeeds exactly once and which, upon success, leaves no choice points.

The first one is more logical but undecidable in general until the end of the computation. The second is easily decidable once a solution is found, but procedural and its meaning depends on the particular search strategy Prolog employs, i.e. the depth first search.

I wonder if there is not a community's consensus yet? Why not name these two different concepts differently?

Here's the excerpt from the SWI-Prolog's page above:

det [determinism]

Short for deterministic.


A predicate is deterministic if it succeeds exactly one time without leaving a choice point.


Shorthand for semi deterministic.

semi deterministic

A predicate that is semi deterministic either fails or succeeds exactly once without a choice point. See also deterministic.


  • That's a really excellent question!

    From the Mercury determinism categories where this is also explained quite authoritatively:

    6.1 Determinism categories

    For each mode of a predicate or function, we categorise that mode according to how many times it can succeed, and whether or not it can fail before producing its first solution.

    If all possible calls to a particular mode of a predicate or function which return to the caller (calls which terminate, do not throw an exception and do not cause a fatal runtime error)

    • have exactly one solution, then that mode is deterministic (det);
    • either have no solutions or have one solution, then that mode is semideterministic (semidet);
    • have at least one solution but may have more, then that mode is multisolution (multi);
    • have zero or more solutions, then that mode is nondeterministic (nondet);
    • have exactly zero solutions, i.e, fail without producing a solution, then that mode has a determinism of failure (failure).

    (emphases mine)

    Note that whether or not a choice point is left is not even mentioned in this definition, nor in the whole section. Mercury is not the same as Prolog, but the point is that this definition is in principle 100% applicable also to Prolog. Clearly, it then corresponds to your variant (1).

    In my opinion, this is right in this way: Whether or not a choice point is left is rather immaterial, and depends on—for example—how powerful and versatile your system's argument indexing is. A good indexing scheme may prevent the creation of choice points that other systems introduce. A notion that depends on particular idiosyncrasies of a specific Prolog system and may break from one version to the next (with the introduction of better argument indexing etc.) is not very robust, and not of much value.

    It is true that we often say "the predicate is deterministic" when we mean: "the predicate is deterministic and no choice points are left", but even so the main point is almost always also in such cases that the predicate succeeds exactly once. Note that "deterministic" is a rather overloaded adjective with other meanings too. In the SWI documentation, this ambiguity carries over to semi deterministic. However, even SWI back-pedals a bit from this rather implementation-oriented definition in other places:

    2.2.2 Testing semi-deterministic predicates

    Semi-deterministic predicates are predicates that either fail or succeed exactly once and, for well behaved predicates, leave no choicepoints.

    So a semi-deterministic predicate that is not well behaved (?) can also leave choice points...

    In the discussion, note especially the following: Ulrich is here using the weaker and more robust notion to obtain a predicate that is applicable for both definitions.

    So, no matter which variant you pick, call_semidet/1 is useful! From this, the meaning of the quote becomes clearer. When Ulrich says:

    (The implementation might be improved, but prior to optimizing and bechnmarking the actual meaning needs to be settled.)

    it is evidently not meant that the meaning of "semidet" must be settled between the two variants, but that it should first be clear what call_semidet/1 actually guarantees: It is a lot more useful than what people thought Ulrich posted. For example, the definition that Jan gives:

    call_semidet(Goal) :- 
            call_cleanup(Goal, Det=true), 
            (   Det == true 
            ->  true 
            ;   throw(error(mode_error(semidet,Goal),_)) 

    works only with your second definition of "semidet".