I've installed MySQL on solaris 11.3 sparc:
Interesting thig, there is no: /usr/local directory
but: /usr/mysql/5.5/bin
serverse is running:
root@rs1sparc1:/usr/mysql/5.5/bin# svcs -a | grep mysql
**online** 12:03:20 svc:/application/database/mysql:version_55
So i tried:
# find / -name 'mysqladmin'
gives nothing, cant find it, how to manage MySQL?
You need to install the client. I think previously it was part of the core package which may be the reason for the confusion?. Anyway, just do
$ pkg install database/mysql-55/client
$ pkg install database/mysql-56/client
depending on your needs.
After this mysqladmin
command should be available to you with no further configuration as long as /usr/bin
in your path.
Btw: For these types of questions http://pkg.oracle.com is your friend. I was able to answer your question with a search.