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How does numpy handle data files with uncertainty values, e.g., 0.6499(6)?

Here is a snippet of a large data set I am working with:

# p*  T*     P*         U*          P*_cs    U*_cs  Steps  dt*
0.1   6.0    0.6499(6) -0.478(2)    0.6525  -0.452  30000  0.002
0.2   6.0    1.442(1)  -0.942(2)    1.452   -0.890  30000  0.002
0.3   6.0    2.465(3)  -1.376(1)    2.489   -1.298  30000  0.002
0.4   6.0    3.838(5)  -1.785(3)    3.880   -1.681  20000  0.002
0.5   6.0    5.77(1)   -2.131(3)    5.84    -2.000  20000  0.002
0.6   6.0    8.51(2)   -2.382(5)    8.60    -2.225  20000  0.002
0.7   6.0   12.43(2)   -2.501(4)   12.56    -2.318  20000  0.002
0.8   6.0   18.05(2)   -2.416(4)   18.22    -2.207  20000  0.002
0.9   6.0   26.00(2)   -2.058(4)   26.21    -1.823  20000  0.004
1.0   6.0   37.06(3)   -1.361(6)   37.32    -1.100  20000  0.002
1.1   6.0   52.25(2)   -0.216(4)   52.57     0.072  20000  0.002
1.2   6.0   72.90(5)    1.502(9)   73.28     1.816  20000  0.002
1.25  6.0   85.71(5)    2.612(8)   86.12     2.939  20000  0.002

Loading in this data set using np.loadtxt fails because of the uncertainties for the P* and U* values. Is there a built-in tool for handling this to avoid manually editing the data files?

I am looking at the uncertainties package as a possible solution but I wonder if numpy already has something for this.


  • In [1]: txt=b"""# p*  T*     P*         U*          P*_cs    U*_cs  Steps  dt*
       ...: 0.1   6.0    0.6499(6) -0.478(2)    0.6525  -0.452  30000  0.002
       ...: 0.2   6.0    1.442(1)  -0.942(2)    1.452   -0.890  30000  0.002
       ...: 0.3   6.0    2.465(3)  -1.376(1)    2.489   -1.298  30000  0.002"""
    In [2]: txt=txt.splitlines()

    txt is a file substitue (bytestring in PY3)

    In [3]: data=np.genfromtxt(txt, dtype=None, names=True)
    In [4]: data
    array([(0.1, 6.0, b'0.6499(6)', b'-0.478(2)', 0.6525, -0.452, 30000, 0.002),
           (0.2, 6.0, b'1.442(1)', b'-0.942(2)', 1.452, -0.89, 30000, 0.002),
           (0.3, 6.0, b'2.465(3)', b'-1.376(1)', 2.489, -1.298, 30000, 0.002)], 
          dtype=[('p', '<f8'), ('T', '<f8'), ('P', 'S9'), ('U', 'S9'), ('P_cs', '<f8'), ('U_cs', '<f8'), ('Steps', '<i4'), ('dt', '<f8')])

    'P' and 'U' are loaded as strings because they can't be parsed as numbers.

    Now define a converter that strips off the () part (again with bytestrings)

    def rmvpar(astr):
       return float(astr.split(b'(')[0])
    In [9]: data=np.genfromtxt(txt, dtype=None, names=True, 
          converters={2:rmvpar, 3:rmvpar})
    In [10]: data
    array([(0.1, 6.0, 0.6499, -0.478, 0.6525, -0.452, 30000, 0.002),
           (0.2, 6.0, 1.442, -0.942, 1.452, -0.89, 30000, 0.002),
           (0.3, 6.0, 2.465, -1.376, 2.489, -1.298, 30000, 0.002)], 
          dtype=[('p', '<f8'), ('T', '<f8'), ('P', '<f8'), ('U', '<f8'), ('P_cs', '<f8'), ('U_cs', '<f8'), ('Steps', '<i4'), ('dt', '<f8')])

    Now those two fields are floats.

    But converters can't return two numbers, so I can't keep the uncertainty this way.

    Another approach is to pass the lines through a filter function

    def splt(astr):
        def foo(astr):
            if b'(' in astr:
                astr = astr.strip(b')').split(b'(')
                return b','.join(astr)
            return astr
        return b','.join([foo(a) for a in strs])
    In [26]: [splt(line) for line in txt]

    To use this I have to skip the header because the new lines have two added columns

    In [28]: data=np.genfromtxt([splt(line) for line in txt], delimiter=',',dtype=None, skip_header=1)
    In [29]: data
    array([(0.1, 6.0, 0.6499, 6, -0.478, 2, 0.6525, -0.452, 30000, 0.002),
           (0.2, 6.0, 1.442, 1, -0.942, 2, 1.452, -0.89, 30000, 0.002),
           (0.3, 6.0, 2.465, 3, -1.376, 1, 2.489, -1.298, 30000, 0.002)], 
          dtype=[('f0', '<f8'), ('f1', '<f8'), ('f2', '<f8'), ('f3', '<i4'), 
                 ('f4', '<f8'), ('f5', '<i4'), ('f6', '<f8'), ('f7', '<f8'), 
                 ('f8', '<i4'), ('f9', '<f8')])

    But I could modify the original dtype to make the 2 fields (sub)arrays:

    In [30]: dt=np.dtype([('p', '<f8'), ('T', '<f8'), ('P', '<f8',(2,)), 
                    ('U', '<f8',(2,)), ('P_cs', '<f8'), ('U_cs', '<f8'), 
                    ('Steps', '<i4'), ('dt', '<f8')])
    In [31]: data = np.genfromtxt((splt(line) for line in txt), delimiter=',',dtype=dt, skip_header=1)
    In [32]: data
    array([(0.1, 6.0, [0.6499, 6.0], [-0.478, 2.0], 0.6525, -0.452, 30000, 0.002),
           (0.2, 6.0, [1.442, 1.0], [-0.942, 2.0], 1.452, -0.89, 30000, 0.002),
           (0.3, 6.0, [2.465, 3.0], [-1.376, 1.0], 2.489, -1.298, 30000, 0.002)], 
          dtype=[('p', '<f8'), ('T', '<f8'), ('P', '<f8', (2,)), ('U', '<f8', (2,)), 
                 ('P_cs', '<f8'), ('U_cs', '<f8'), ('Steps', '<i4'), ('dt', '<f8')])

    Such a field would look like:

    In [33]: data['P']
    array([[ 0.6499,  6.    ],
           [ 1.442 ,  1.    ],
           [ 2.465 ,  3.    ]])

    I could define other dtypes, just as long as the number of fields match.

    With a file, rather than these text lines, I would use something like (not tested):

    with open(filename,'wb') as f:
        data = np.genfromtxt((splt(line) for line in f),...

    Here, and above, I'm using the generator expression (splt(line) for line in x), though the list comprehension would be fine. Any code that opens the file and yields/returns the modified lines will work.