I'm writing an Entity Component System. Part of it is a protocol that defines how Systems
are used. Part of the protocol is a function that returns the components that the system requires to function. It can be distilled down to the following:
(defprotocol System
(required-components [sys]
"Returns a map of keys and initial values of components that the System requires to operate.")
Because the value that this function returns is really a constant, I thought that caching it would probably be a good idea because it might be required +60 times a second. To tell whether or not it makes a difference though, I wrote up the following test:
(defrecord Input-System1 []
(required-components [sys] {:position [0 0] :angle 0}))
(def req-comps
{:position [0 0] :angle 0})
(defrecord Input-System2 []
(required-components [sys] req-comps))
Then in a REPL, I ran the following time tests:
(let [sys (->Input-System1)]
(time-multiple 1000000000
(required-components sys)))
(let [sys (->Input-System2)]
(time-multiple 1000000000
(required-components sys)))
(Code for time-multiple
The odd thing is, Input-System1
consistently finishes faster than Input-System2
: 2789.973066ms vs 3800.345803ms on the last run.
I find this odd though given how, in theory, version 1 is constantly recreating the component map, while version 2 only references a pre-defined value.
I tried recreating this by cutting protocols out:
(defn test-fn1 []
(defn test-fn2 []
{:position [0 0] :angle 0})
(time-multiple 1000000000
(time-multiple 1000000000
But this time, the results end up being almost identical: 3789.478675ms vs 3767.577814ms.
This leads me to believe it has something to do with protocols, but I can't tell what. What's going on here? I know that given the number of tests, 1000ms is fairly insignificant, so I'm not trying to micro-optimize here. I'm just curious.
(defmacro time-pure
"Evaluates expr and returns the time it took.
Modified the native time macro to return the time taken."
`(let [start# (current-nano-timestamp)
ret# ~expr]
(/ (double (- (current-nano-timestamp) start#)) 1000000.0)))
(defmacro time-multiple
"Times the expression multiple times, returning the total time taken, in ms"
[times expr]
(dotimes [n# ~times]
In either case your map is a constant, created during class loading (it's statically known, so no new object creation during the method call.) On the other hand, your cached case costs you an extra indirection - accessing a var.
To demonstrate:
(def req-comps
{:position [0 0] :angle 0})
(defn asystem-1 []
{:position [0 0] :angle 0})
(defn asystem-2 []
(It doesn't matter whether we deal with protocols or not - the functions are compiled the same, it's just easier to find them in the compiled code this way.)
public final class core$asystem_1 extends AFunction {
public static final AFn const__4 = (AFn)RT.map(new Object[]{RT.keyword((String)null, "position"), Tuple.create(Long.valueOf(0L), Long.valueOf(0L)), RT.keyword((String)null, "angle"), Long.valueOf(0L)});
public core$asystem_1() {
public static Object invokeStatic() {
return const__4;
public Object invoke() {
return invokeStatic();
See - it just returns the precalculated constant.
public final class core$asystem_2 extends AFunction {
public static final Var const__0 = (Var)RT.var("so.core", "req-comps");
public core$asystem_2() {
public static Object invokeStatic() {
return const__0.getRawRoot();
public Object invoke() {
return invokeStatic();
An extra call to getRawRoot()