I'm trying to convert the string in REC_TIME
column to a timestamp format in hive.
Ex: Sun Jul 31 09:28:20 UTC 2016 => 2016-07-31 09:28:20
SELECT xxx, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(REC_TIME, "E M dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy") FROM wlogs LIMIT 10;
When I execute the above SQL it returns a NULL value.
Try this :
select from_unixtime(unix_timestamp("Sun Jul 31 09:28:20 UTC 2016","EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy"));
This works fine if your hive cluster has UTC timezone. Say suppose your server is in CST then you need to do as below to get to UTC;
select to_utc_timestamp(from_unixtime(unix_timestamp("Sun Jul 31 09:28:20 UTC 2016","EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy")),'CST');
Hope this helps.
EDIT Hive date functions use the JAVA simple date formater for the patterns . Refer this for the patterns.