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install YCM error: python site module not loaded

So I really wanted to try YCM, which has been said to be a great plugin for Vim. I have been spending several hours on installation and cannot succeed due to the error of E887: Sorry, this command is disabled, the Python's site module could not be loaded.

I installed MacVim, Vim, and Python using Homebrew. I reinstalled them so many times and still cannot get it done -- as many people suggested in the issues on YCM GitHub page.

My OS version is MacOS Sierra (10.12).

which python returns /usr/local/bin/python and python --version gives Python 2.7.12. Typing :echo has('python') returns 1.

Any suggestions? Thanks!


  • So I had this same problem on Sierra, home-brew seems to be placing the latest python here:


    But brew install vim ends up trying to link to python from the wrong directory. Looking at vim --version | grep python I saw:

    -lc -F/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.12/Frameworks -framework Python

    (see vim --version | grep python)

    To fix this, I did the following;

    brew uninstall python vim
    brew install python
    brew install vim --build-from-source

    Now, vim --version | grep python shows vim is correctly linked to the correct python Framework dir.