I have 4G mobile coverage at the Local Authority level in the UK, as a percentage of geographical area covered (for approximately 200 areas). I want to disaggregate this data so I can work with roughly 9000 lower-level postcode sector.
The most appropriate way for me to do this, is to allocate 4G geographic coverage to the most densely populated areas first, as this would best represent how mobile operators would invest in the market. The least populated areas would end up with no coverage. I'm struggling with how I do this in R, however.
I have a data frame that looks like this for the postcode sector data (I've used hypothetical data here):
Name pcd.sect pop area pop.dens rank
Cambridge 1 5546 0.6 8341 1
Cambridge 2 7153 1.1 5970 2
Cambridge 3 5621 2.3 5289 3
Cambridge 4 10403 4.3 4361 4
Cambridge 5 14796 4.2 3495 5
I then took the aggregate local authority data and put it on each row (adding the three right columns):
Name pcd.sect pop area pop.dens rank LA.4G LA.area LA.4G(km2)
Cambridge 1 5546 0.6 8341 1 58 140 82
Cambridge 2 7153 1.1 5970 2 58 140 82
Cambridge 3 5621 2.3 5289 3 58 140 82
Cambridge 4 10403 4.3 4361 4 58 140 82
Cambridge 5 14796 4.2 3495 5 58 140 82
I had to shorten the headings, so let me just explain them in more detail:
Taking Cambridge as a hypothetical example, there is 58% 4G coverage across the whole Local Authority. I then want to disaggregate this number to achieve 4G coverage for the individual postcode sectors.
Ideally the data would end up looking like this, with an extra column for the postcode sector coverage:
Name pcd.sect ... pcd.sector.coverage (%)
Cambridge 1 ... 100
Cambridge 2 ... 100
Cambridge 3 ... 100
Cambridge 4 ... 34
Cambridge 5 ... 0
... ... ... ...
How do I get R to allocate this 82km2 (58% geographical coverage) out to the postcode sectors in a new column, based on the area column, but then stopping once it hits the maximum coverage level of 82km2 (58% geographical coverage)?
this is how I interpret this question. Correct me if this is not what you meant. Suppose you have the following data.
dat <- data.frame(
Name = "A", pcd.sector = 1:5,
area = c(2, 3, 1, 5, 3),
areaSum = 14, LA.4G = 8
# Name pcd.sector area areaSum LA.4G
#1 A 1 2 14 8
#2 A 2 3 14 8
#3 A 3 1 14 8
#4 A 4 5 14 8
#5 A 5 3 14 8
You have five sectors, with various areas. Although the areas sum up to 14, there are only 8 covered by 4G. You want to allocate the areas from the sectors 1 through 5.
The following code does this job. I used cumsum
function to compute the cumulative sum of areas from the top sector, which is capped by the 4G coverage limit. Allocated area can be computed by diff
function, which takes the one-step difference of a vector. The sector 1 through 3 gets 100% coverage, which sum up to 6 areas, hence only 2 remains. Although sector 4 has 5 area, it can only enjoy 2, or 40%. This uses up the areas and nothing is left for the sector 5.
dat$area_allocated <- diff(c(0, pmin(cumsum(dat$area), dat$LA.4G)))
dat$area_coverage <- dat$area_allocated / dat$area * 100
# Name pcd.sector area areaSum LA.4G area_allocated area_coverage
# 1 A 1 2 14 8 2 100
# 2 A 2 3 14 8 3 100
# 3 A 3 1 14 8 1 100
# 4 A 4 5 14 8 2 40
# 5 A 5 3 14 8 0 0
If you have a lot of areas, then you may want to use dplyr::group_by
dat <- rbind(
Name = "A", pcd.sector = 1:5,
area = c(2, 3, 1, 5, 3),
areaSum = 14, LA.4G = 8
Name = "B", pcd.sector = 1:3,
area = c(4, 3, 2),
areaSum = 9, LA.4G = 5
dat <- dat %>% group_by(Name) %>%
mutate(area_allocated = diff(c(0, pmin(cumsum(area), LA.4G)))) %>%
mutate(area_coverage = area_allocated / area * 100)
# Name pcd.sector area areaSum LA.4G area_allocated area_coverage
# <fctr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 A 1 2 14 8 2 100.00000
# 2 A 2 3 14 8 3 100.00000
# 3 A 3 1 14 8 1 100.00000
# 4 A 4 5 14 8 2 40.00000
# 5 A 5 3 14 8 0 0.00000
# 6 B 1 4 9 5 4 100.00000
# 7 B 2 3 9 5 1 33.33333
# 8 B 3 2 9 5 0 0.00000