I have below code : Which is iterating the arrayList till end even though I don't want it. I don't know how to break it as xtend does not have break statement. Provided I can't convert the same to a while loop, is there any alternative way in xtend similar to break statement in java?
arrayList.forEach [ listElement | if (statusFlag){
statusFlag = Status.CANCEL_STATUS
//do some stuff with listElement
You can try something like that
arrayList.takeWhile[!monitor.cancelled].forEach[ ... do stuff ...]
if ( monitor.cancelled ) { statusFlag = Status.CANCEL_STATUS }
takeWhile is executed lazily, so it should work as expected and break at correct moment (memory visibility allowing, I hope monitor.cancelled is volatile).
Not sure how status flag comes into picture here, you might need to add check for it in one or both closures as well.