I try to concatenate in the following form "string", variable, "string";
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
char *name = "Lannister";
char write_letter[50] = "Here you are Mrs. ", name, " Welcome!\r\n"
"Getting Started\r\n"
"Take-home Projects\r\n";
does anyone have idea how to do it?
I saw an example of sprintf(write_letter, "Here you are Mrs. %s Welcome!", name); but it is very difficult when i use large texts.
If the name is already decided at compile time and if there is no necessity to change the name during runtime then by all means choose the simplest alternative, i.e. -
#define NAME "Lannister"
char write_letter[] = "Here you are Mrs. " NAME " Welcome!\r\n"
"Getting Started\r\n"
"Take-home Projects\r\n";
Compile with highest warning level set. When you do that you will get a warning similar to "initializer-string for array of chars is too long" (this is the warning generated by GCC). 50 is too small for this array hence I have allowed the compiler to decide the array size (i.e. 'write_letter[]').
If you need to change the string at runtime then use either strcat() -
char write_letter[150] = "Here you are Mrs. ";
char *name = "Lannister";
char *write_letter_post = " Welcome!\r\n"
"Getting Started\r\n"
"Take-home Projects\r\n";
strcat(write_letter, name);
strcat(write_letter, write_letter_post);
/*Use strncat() to prevent buffer overflow possibilities.*/
or, sprintf() -
char *_write_letter = "Here you are Mrs. %s Welcome!\r\n"
"Getting Started\r\n"
"Take-home Projects\r\n";
char *name = "Lannister";
char write_letter[150];
sprintf(write_letter, _write_letter, name);
/*Use snprintf() to prevent buffer overflow possibilities.*/