How to use add more white space around the image ?
example original image is width:300, height:100
, I want to generate new image is width: 600, height: 200
the original image is in center stay original size, add white space around to become new image..
I tried below code but this make the original image become 600*200 ... how to solve it?
function cropGravity(srcFilePath, dstFilePath, resizeWidth, resizeHeight, quality, gravity) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject){
srcPath: srcFilePath,
dstPath: dstFilePath,
width: resizeWidth,
height: resizeHeight,
quality: quality,
gravity: gravity
}, function(error, stdout, stderr){
if (error != null) {
} else {
var resizeWidth = 600;
var resizeHeight = 200;
var quality = 1;
var gravity = 'Center';
cropGravity(srcFilePath, dstFilePath, resizeWidth, resizeHeight, quality, gravity)
I really don't speak node
, but it will likely be similar to this:
im.convert(['input.jpg', '-gravity', 'center', '-background','white', '-extent', '600x200','result.jpg'],
function(err, stdout){
if (err) throw err;
console.log('stdout:', stdout);