I have this code snippet:
if (reflect.TypeOf(device).String() == "*types.VirtualDisk") {
disk := device.(types.VirtualDisk)
fmt.Printf("%v - %v \n", "capacityInKB", disk.CapacityInKB)
to which I get:
impossible type assertion: types.VirtualDisk does not implement types.BaseVirtualDevice (GetVirtualDevice method has pointer receiver)
But If I modify it to
if (reflect.TypeOf(device).String() == "*types.VirtualDisk") {
//disk := device.(types.VirtualDisk)
fmt.Printf("%v - %v \n", "capacityInKB", device)//disk.CapacityInKB)
It works and prints all the properties of the object. How am I suppose to convert this?
The error hints that the type you want to type assert is *types.VirtualDisk
and not types.VirtualDisk
Also that reflection trick you're trying to do is completely unnecessary, as there is a special form of the type assertion which reports whether the assertion holds.
See this example:
if disk, ok := device.(*types.VirtualDisk); ok {
// Type assertion holds, disk is of type *types.VirtualDisk
// You may use it so