In a bash file
, I have an Executor function to which I pass the commands to be executed. Whenever some command does not work as expected, this function outputs the command.
if ! $*
echo "$*"
exit 2
Now I am invoking this function -
Executor clangPath="Hello" make
(This is used to set the value of clangPath variable as "Hello" in the makefile)
This caused an error -
./ line 5: clangPath=Hello: command not found
[./] Error: clangPath=Hello make
However executing the same command like this works fine
if ! clangPath="Hello" make
echo "HelloWorld!"
After looking at the error, I thought there might be a mistake with the string quotations, so I tried
exitIfFail clangPath='"Hello"' make
Even this resulted in an error -
./ line 5: clangPath="Hello": command not found
[./] Error: clangPath="Hello" make
What could be the reason for the error?
If the purpose of the function is to execute some Bash expression, then print an error message, if the expression failed (returned non-zero status), then, there is a way to implement this via eval
#!/bin/bash -
function Executor()
eval "$@"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
echo >&2 "Failed to execute command: $@"
exit 2
The $?
variable holds the exit status of the previously executed command. So we check if it is non-zero.
Also note how we redirect the error message to the standard error descriptor.
Executor ls -lh /tmp/unknown-something
ls: cannot access /tmp/unknown-something: No such file or directory
Failed to execute command: ls -lh /tmp/unknown-something
Executor ls -lh /tmp
# some file listing here...
The $@
variable is more appropriate here, as eval
interprets things itself. See $*
and $@