There is a NSTimer object in my app that counts elapsed time in seconds.
I want to format an UILabel in my app's interface in the such way it matches the well know standard.
00:01 - one second
01:00 - 60 seconds
01:50:50 - 6650 seconds
I wonder how to do that, do you know any pods/libraries that creates such String based on Int number of seconds?
Obviously I can come with a complicated method myself, but since it's recommended to not reinvent the wheel, I'd prefer to use some ready-to-use solution.
I haven't found anything relevant in Foundation library, nor in HealthKit
Do you have any suggestions how to get it done? If you say "go and write it yourself" - that's ok. But I wanted to be sure I'm not missing any simple, straightforward solution.
thanks in advance
can do that:
func timeStringFor(seconds : Int) -> String
let formatter = DateComponentsFormatter()
formatter.allowedUnits = [.second, .minute, .hour]
formatter.zeroFormattingBehavior = .pad
let output = formatter.string(from: TimeInterval(seconds))!
return seconds < 3600 ? output.substring(from: output.range(of: ":")!.upperBound) : output
print(timeStringFor(seconds:1)) // 00:01
print(timeStringFor(seconds:60)) // 01:00
print(timeStringFor(seconds:6650)) // 1:50:50