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Cordova-plugin-googlemaps blank screen on Play store

My Ionic app is using the cordova-plugin-googlemaps 1.3.9 plugin, and everything had been working on iOS and Android until yesterday.

Cordova android: 5.1.1

Cordova iOS: 4.1.1

Cordova CLI: 6.2.0

Ionic Framework Version: 1.2.1-nightly-1867

Ionic CLI Version: 2.0.0

Yesterday, I pushed a new version on the stores and now I’ve got a blank screen instead of the Google map. The map works on debug mode on my Android phone but not in production mode, I mean from the Play store.

Further to several researches, I have deduced that the problem came from Google Maps Android API v2 key. Thus, I have generated a new key and reinstalled the cordova plugin with the same command but with the new key :

ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-googlemaps --variable API_KEY_FOR_ANDROID="MY_NEW_API_KEY" --variable API_KEY_FOR_IOS="myIosKey"

After that, the map was not working even on debug mode… Therefore, I added the fingerprint of the debug.keystore in the Google Developer console. After this the map started to work again on debug mode 

I did the same operation for the production version, using the fingerprint of the release keystore, used to build the production APK.

Despite this, I still have a blank screen instead of the map, when I download the app from the Play store.


  • I found the solution.

    To build my production APK I use Ionic CLI.

    I don't know why but the command did not add the cordova-plugin-googlemaps plugin to the signed APK. To solve that, I installed the plugin with the --save option :

    cordova plugin add --variable API_KEY_FOR_ANDROID="MY_ANDROID_KEY" --variable API_KEY_FOR_IOS="MY_IOS_KEY" --save