I have created a serializer
that takes a list argument tags
, but on the django-rest-framework
browsable api, It doesn't seem to work.
class SocialFeed(Document):
platform = StringField(max_length=20, required=True, choices=('facebook', 'twitter', 'instagram'))
tags = ListField(default=None)
created_at = DateTimeField(default=datetime.now(), required=True)
class SocialFeedCreateSerializer(DocumentSerializer):
class Meta:
model = SocialFeed
fields = [
class SocialFeedCreateAPIView(CreateAPIView):
queryset = SocialFeed.objects.all()
serializer_class = SocialFeedCreateSerializer
But on the browsable API
, It shows a simple input box to enter tags, and I don't know what format should I put the tags in on the browsable API
side, and I am not receiving list of tags instead a string.
I have tried following inputs:
#1 - ['social media', 'digital media', 'digital']
#2 - 'social media', 'digital media', 'digital'
#3 - social media, digital media, digital
#4 - "social media", "digital media", "digital"
But on the MongoDb
, when I fetch the document, It shows string instead a list of tags, like this:
"tags" : [
"['social media','digital media','digital']"
"tags" : [
"'social media','digital media','digital'"
"tags" : [
"social media, digital media, digital]"
"tags" : [
"\"social media\", \"digital media\", \"digital\""
Required Output
"tags" : [
"social media",
"digital media",
If anybody has faced the same issue, please guide me.
DRF does only support Django's fields. You likely need to make some fields more explicits in the serializer's declaration, like making tags
inherit from a serializer.ListField