I'm trying to use cl-pdf
for some fairly basic PDF generation, but I'm getting tripped up at the examples (which is embarassing to say the least).
When I run the first example included in the package
(defun example1 (&optional (file #P"/tmp/ex1.pdf")) (pdf:with-document () (pdf:with-page () (pdf:with-outline-level ("Example" (pdf:register-page-reference)) (let ((helvetica (pdf:get-font "Helvetica"))) (pdf:in-text-mode (pdf:set-font helvetica 36.0) (pdf:move-text 100 800) (pdf:draw-text "cl-pdf: Example 1")) (pdf:translate 230 500) (loop repeat 150 for i = 0.67 then (* i 1.045) do (pdf:in-text-mode (pdf:set-font helvetica i) (pdf:set-rgb-fill (/ (random 255) 255.0) (/ (random 255) 255.0) (/ (random 255) 255.0)) (pdf:move-text (* i 3) 0) (pdf:show-text "cl-typesetting")) (pdf:rotate 13))))) (pdf:write-document file)))
by running (example1 #P"/home/inaimathi/Desktop/ex1.pdf")
it gives me this error
#<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for "file /home/inaimathi/Desktop/test.pdf" {CF9D931}> is not a binary output stream. [Condition of type SIMPLE-TYPE-ERROR] Restarts: 0: [ABORT] Exit debugger, returning to top level.
The same thing happens when I call (example1)
, or when I do
(with-open-file (test-file #P"/home/inaimathi/Desktop/ex1.pdf" :direction :output :if-does-not-exist :create) (example1 test-file))
Finally, if I try
(with-open-file (test-file #P"/home/inaimathi/Desktop/ex1.pdf" :direction :output :if-does-not-exist :create :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)) (example1 test-file))
I get the error
#<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for "file /home/inaimathi/Desktop/test.pdf" {D197C99}> is not a character output stream. [Condition of type SIMPLE-TYPE-ERROR] Restarts: 0: [ABORT] Exit debugger, returning to top level.
Is there a way to declare a binary character stream
? How do I get simple output out of cl-pdf
? I'm using SBCL straight out of the debian repos (which is 1.0.29, I think), in case it matters.
(setf pdf:*compress-streams* nil)
should help. It's trying to write binary data to a character stream, and while that works on LispWorks and some other systems, it doesn't work everywhere and particularly not on SBCL.