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How to verify call on setter in kotlin using mockito?

interface LoginDisplay {
    var username: String
    var password: String

class LoginActivityLoginDisplay : LoginDisplay {

    override var username: String
        get() = usernameEditView.text.toString()
        set(value) {

    override var password: String
        get() = passwordEditView.text.toString()
        set(value) {


This is the example of code I'd like to test with Mockito as follows:


Tricky thing is - that in this call i can only verify getter of field username, meanwhile I'd like to test call on setter of this field.

Any help?


  • It's simpler than you think. Calling:

    verify(contract.loginDisplay).username = ""

    will have the result you want. Setter setUsername on the mock of contract.loginDisplay will be called.