I am trying to fetch data from database using criteria
Domain class
Invoice -
class Invoice{
Date invoiceNo
Date invoiceDate
int interval
static constraints = { }
module from the controller
if(!params.sort && !params.order) {
params.sort = "invoiceDate + interval" //invoiceDate+ interval
params.order = "asc"
def c = Invoice.createCriteria()
def results = c.list(params) {
between("invoiceDate+ interval", invoiceDate, invoiceDate+ interval)
I want to calculate dueDate
from the invoiceDate
& interval
i want a result like this
invoiceNo | invoiceDate | interval| dueDate |
001 | 2016-09-30 | 5 | 2016-10-05 |
002 | 2016-09-15 | 5 | 2016-09-20 |
I will insist you to modify your Domain class
to add derived field
as given below.
Modified Domain class
- adding derived field dueDate
class Invoice{
Date invoiceNo
Date invoiceDate
int interval
//new field added
Date dueDate //Derived filed- will not persisted to the database
static mapping = {
//formula to calculate dueDate (invoiceDate + interval)
dueDate formula:"ADDDATE(invoice_date, interval)"
static constraints = { }
code snippet- to fetch the invoices whose dueDate
is in between current Date
and current Date + 7
def criteria = Invoice.createCriteria()
Date currentDate = new Date()
//fetching data based on the criteria
List invoiceList = criteria.list {
between('dueDate', currentDate, (currentDate + 7))