Search code examples

Implementation of the bidirectional graph search

I am trying to implement a bi-directional graph search. As I understand, I should somehow merge two breadth-first searches, one which starts at the starting (or root) node and one which starts at the goal (or end) node. The bi-directional search terminates when both breadth-first searches "meet" at the same vertex.

Could you provide me with a code example (in Java, if possible) or link with code for the bidirectional graph search?


  • Assuming you have Nodes like this (in the file

    import java.util.HashSet;
    import java.util.Set;
    public class Node<T> {
        private final T data; // The data that you want to store in this node.
        private final Set<Node> adjacentNodes = new HashSet<>();
        // Constructor
        public Node(T data) {
   = data;
        // Getters
         * Returns the data stored in this node.
         * */
        public T getData() {
            return data;
         * Returns a set of the adjacent nodes of this node.
         * */
        public Set<Node> getAdjacentNodes() {
            return adjacentNodes;
        // Setters
         * Attempts to add node to the set of adjacent nodes of this node. If it was not previously added, it is added, and
         * true is returned. If it was previously added, it returns false.
         * */
        public boolean addAdjacent(Node node) {
            return adjacentNodes.add(node);

    Then the bidirectional search algorithm (defined in the file would look something like this:

    import java.util.HashSet;
    import java.util.Queue;
    import java.util.Set;
    import java.util.LinkedList;
    public class BidirectionalSearch {
         * Returns true if a path exists between Node a and b, false otherwise.
         * */
        public static boolean pathExists(Node a, Node b) {
            // LinkedList implements the Queue interface, FIFO queue operations (e.g., add and poll).
            // Queue to hold the paths from Node a.
            Queue<Node> queueA = new LinkedList<>();
            // Queue to hold the paths from Node a.
            Queue<Node> queueB = new LinkedList<>();
            // A set of visited nodes starting from Node a.
            Set<Node> visitedA = new HashSet<>();
            // A set of visited nodes starting from Node b.
            Set<Node> visitedB = new HashSet<>();
            // Both queues need to be empty to exit the while loop.
            while (!queueA.isEmpty() || !queueB.isEmpty()) {
                if (pathExistsHelper(queueA, visitedA, visitedB)) {
                    return true;
                if (pathExistsHelper(queueB, visitedB, visitedA)) {
                    return true;
            return false;
        private static boolean pathExistsHelper(Queue<Node> queue,
                                                Set<Node> visitedFromThisSide,
                                                Set<Node> visitedFromThatSide) {
            if (!queue.isEmpty()) {
                Node next = queue.remove();
                Set<Node> adjacentNodes = next.getAdjacentNodes();
                for (Node adjacent : adjacentNodes) {
                    // If the visited nodes, starting from the other direction,
                    // contain the "adjacent" node of "next", then we can terminate the search
                    if (visitedFromThatSide.contains(adjacent)) {
                        return true;
                    } else if (visitedFromThisSide.add(adjacent)) {
            return false;
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            // Test here the implementation above.