I´m writing some code-generator. Every source-code-file generated by this should start with the special cvs-command $id$
which gets replaced by CVS on checkin.
So I have this code:
code.Comments.Add(new CodeCommentStatement("$Id$"));
Where code
is of type System.CodeDom.CodeNamespace
However the codegenerator itself is hosted on our version-control-system and thus the "$id"
-part within my generators source-code gets replaced on checkin as well.
How can I escape the sequence so that the string does not get replaced?
Just split it up or create a variable. Something like this. (Forgive my possibly incorrect java syntax.)
code.Comments.Add(new CodeCommentStatement("$I" + "d$"));
var dollar='$';
code.Comments.Add(new CodeCommentStatement(dollar+"Id"+dollar));
While you could also make that script file binary in cvs (-kb
), I don't think that's advisable.