I have a predicate called spider with the following code:
% Returns true for arguments X and Y if either knows(X,Y) or knows(Y,X) is true.
xknowsy(X,Y) :- knows(X,Y).
xknowsy(X,Y) :- knows(Y,X).
subsetsof([A|B],[A|D]) :- subsetsof(B,D).
subsetsof([A|B],D) :- subsetsof(B,D).
dontknowlist([A,B|C]) :- not(xknowsy(A,B)), dontknowlist([A|C]), dontknowlist([B|C]).
listknowsconspirator([A|B],C) :- knowssomeone(A,C), listknowsconspirator(B,C).
knowssomeone(A,[B|C]) :- xknowsy(A,B).
knowssomeone(A,[B,C|D]) :- knowssomeone(A,[C|D]).
spider(X) :- person(X), findall(A,xknowsy(X,A),B), subsetsof(B,C), dontknowlist(C),!,
findall(E,person(E),F), removespider(F,X,G), removeconspirators(G,C,L),!,
removespider([],X,L) :- L = [].
removespider([A|B],X,L) :- A = X, L = B.
removespider([A|B],X,L) :- not(A = X), removespider(B,X,M), L = [A|M].
removeconspirators([],D,L) :- L = [].
removeconspirators(E,[],L) :- L = E.
removeconspirators([A],[B],L) :- A = B, L = [].
removeconspirators([A],[B],L) :- not(A = B), L = [A].
removeconspirators([A,B|C],[D],L) :- A = D, L = [B|C].
removeconspirators([A,B|C],[D],L) :- not(A = D), removeconspirators([B|C],[D],M), L = [A|M].
removeconspirators([A|B],[S,T|U],L) :- removeconspirators([A|B],[S],M),
removeconspirators(M,[T|U],N), L = N.
Calls to spider(ada), spider(beda) and spider(calle) all separately return true. But when I call spider(X), I don't get all three solutions for X. I just get the first solution, i.e. X = ada. I don't understand why because person(X) makes sure that I get all three possible X values to run the rest of the predicate through. Calling spider(X) in trace mode does not appear to reveal any obvious explanations, but my compiler SWI-Prolog just seems to be ignoring the other cases. Why aren't all three solutions printed out when calling spider(X)?
The reason of the above behavior is the cuts that you use in spider/1 predicate. If you remove them and write:
spider(X) :- person(X), findall(A,xknowsy(X,A),B), subsetsof(B,C),dontknowlist(C),
findall(E,person(E),F), removespider(F,X,G), removeconspirators(G,C,L),
then if you query:
?- final_spider(X).
X = ada ;
X = ada ;
X = ada ;
X = beda ;
X = beda ;
X = beda ;
X = calle ;
X = calle ;
X = calle.
This gives all the solutions via backtracking, but it gives the right solutions more than one times. This is not easy to avoid by using ! because it will cut some right answers too. To keep right solutions only once you could write one more predicate:
Now if you query:
?- final_spider(X).
X = ada ;
X = beda ;
X = calle.
It gives the right solutions only once.