I am writing a program in C# and a part of it is to grab dates from a DB2 server. The dates are stored as length 4 integer values on the server. The date holds only month and day The problem I have is that they are stored with different accuracy. EDIT: The data type is numeric length 4 with no precision(So an integer length 4) but when the Select statement runs everything is returned as a string. Which is why I was using SubStr().
One date is stored as 1003 representing the date 10/03
Another date is stored as 805 representing 8/05
The SQL code I use for pulling the dates
(SubStr(ML2DDM,0,3) ||'/'|| SubStr(ML2DDM,3,2))as Due__Date
The program returns the dates in the following format
80/5 <<<< Thats the problem
Is there a way to format the values correctly every time?
select left(right(repeat('0', 4) || trim(ML2DDM), 4), 2) || '/' ||
right(right(repeat('0', 4) || trim(ML2DDM), 4), 2) as Due__Date