Postgres 9.1 shopping cart contains product table
create table products (
id char(30) primary key,
name char(50),
description text );
Cart has search field. If something is entered into it, autocomplete dropdown must show best matching products ordered by number products matched to this criteria.
How to implement such query in postgres 9.1 ? Search should performed by name and description fields in products table. It is sufficient to use substring match. Full text search with sophisticated text match is not strictly required.
Word joote can be part of product name or description.
For example for first match in image text may contain
.. See on jootetina ..
and for other product
Kasutatakse jootetina tegemiseks ..
and another with upper case
Jootetina on see ..
In this case query should return word jootetina and matching count 3. How to make it working like auotcomplete which happens when search term is typed in Google Chrome address bar ?
How to implement this ?
Or if this is difficult, how to return word jootetina form all those texts which matches search term joote ?
select word, count(distinct id) as total
from (
select id,
regexp_split_to_table(name || ' ' || description, E'\\s+') as word
from products
) s
where position(lower('joote') in lower(word)) > 0
group by word
order by 2 desc, 1