I have defined a Conversation dialog, in which I set the variable repeat in one node:
"output": {
"text": "You said: <?input_text?>. Let's fix the @product. "
"context": {
"repeat": "<?input.text?>"
and have displayed the variable $repeat in a subsequent node:
"output": {
"text": "repeat: $repeat"
How can I access this variable $repeat in Swift? I can access response.input.text, which contains the same text, but I'd like to access $repeat, in order to be more flexible.
radio broken
You said: radio broken. Let's fix the radio.
repeat: radio broken
Swift code:
var context: Context? // initial definition
func next_dialog(input_text: String) {
conversation = Conversation(username: username, password: password, version: version)
let failure = { (error: NSError) in print(error) }
conversation.message(workspaceID, text: input_text, context: self.context, failure: failure) { response in
self.context = response.context // update with response.context
Unfortunately, the Watson Developer Cloud iOS SDK does not currently support accessing user-defined context variables from the Conversation service. It's a feature that we are working on, though, and hope to release soon.
The best place to track progress is by following this GitHub issue.
It's not a solution, but I hope that helps!