I'm using Spring rest doc along spring mvc test to generate a restful documentation. Now I'm trying to describe the possible error messages on the resource, but I cannot find anything that will help me in the spring documentation.
What I'm trying to achieve is similar to Error 4xx section of http://apidocjs.com/example/
Any thoughts ?
Just create a test that intentionally generates an error response. And document the fields like you would with any other Spring Rest Docs test.
public void errorExample() throws Exception {
RestDocumentationResultHandler docs = document("Error Response",
fieldWithPath("status").optional().type("Integer").description("Application status field."),
fieldWithPath("errorMsg").type("String").description("A global description of the cause of the error")
AppConfig req = getAppConfigReq(null, null, null);
ResultActions result = this.mockMvc.perform( post("/SomeAPICall/")