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CNTK tutorial:"Hands-On Lab: Image recognition with Convolutional Networks, Batch Normalization, and Residual Nets" python problems

I am trying to follow this tutorial: I am now at the point where Frank is saying:” Please execute the following two Python scripts which you will also find in the working directory:

wget -rc
tar xvf
python cifar-10-batches-py

I am using windows 10. I assume that wget is a Linux “thing”. I have downloaded the file from To the path of the script as i can not run wget from cmd or cygwin. Next I am trying to run the tar command but get an error” No such file or directory” I changed the command to tar xvf cifar-10-python.tar.gz and executed it from Cygwin.(I just made a fresh installation of cygwin 2.6.0) This extracts the data.

Next I am running the python command:” python cifar-10-batches-py” (from cygwin) But I am getting an error from line 48! I have tried change the line to: print ("error") but is only getting a new error in import cPickle as cp ImportError: No module named 'cPickle'

What shall i do to run the python script?


  • You are using Python 3.+ version. Try it with Python 2.7, and it should be ok.